The creator of the world. /Who is the creator of world?/( Karta Purakh)

Who is the creator of world ?

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God has created the creation and His order flows from it unwaveringly and full of newness. God is spread in the whole creation, He is present everywhere and God’s command is the same everywhere.

The creator of the world
                                                                 The creator of the world


Where is God ?

Whatever happens in this creation is under the orders and rules of God, nothing can happen outside the order. God has created nature. He is present in it. Snake, scorpion, poison, sweet, bitter, good or bad, day or night, whatever we see in this world, everything is the creation of God and everything belongs to that true God.

Precious attribute of God..

Let us now consider that if this precious attribute of God is inculcated in the basic principles, then in what way it is beneficial in our personal life. God’s command is on this creation and God’s command is present everywhere (the lows of nature). Humans have to take inspiration from this that if God is the Creator, then humans should also recognize God’s commands and rules and be one with Him, So that the Lord works as per the order. If God is the doer then like the doer man should also do creative work for the welfare of others. Man starts thinking about doing creative work and the idea of ​​doing something creative for the welfare of people bursts from his heart.

With creative thinking..

He does creative work with new ideas for the betterment of humanity and continues to do valuable work for building a new society. As many people are falling prey to rituals, superstitions, miracles etc. A man with constructive thinking is aware of them and starts a new life for the good of humanity. A man with constructive thinking does not harm anyone but gives everyone the right to live a righteous life. Creates norms of a society with constructive integrity and commonality for the good of humanity by making people aware of the evils of the society. By living God’s virtues, man becomes a construction worker, the source of his knowledge based on the fact that God’s rule is steadfast everywhere.

Who breaks the rules ?

The creator of the world

Due to this, the person loses faith in blind faith, like the people who do magical work by subduing the spirits through magical occultist (Tantrik). People who rely on magical or unimaginable things are deviating from God’s rules. As a result, they cannot do all the work.

                 (The creator of the world)

Karta Purakh :-means we believe that God is the creator of creation.

The person who gets the knowledge of existence given by Karta Purusha everywhere, that person makes every possible effort to take the ignorant person from true knowledge to the level of knowledge. Be it written lectures, media, television or other social media, he can spread the knowledge of truth through any medium.

Believer of God…

 That person will not complain to people in the name of God, rather his life will be filled with humility, words of pride will stop. By understanding the qualities of God, one develops sweet vision, sweet sympathy and sweet speech, one becomes soft heart full of sympathy towards everyone, the feeling of goodness of others increases, a person does not even complain about the weather. Obeying the laws of nature, he always remains in a state of bliss and wisdom in bloom.

Why are we writing this ?

That is why we are trying to know as much as we can about God. By sharing his information with all of you on how to connect with God. How else can we believe that He is God, who can do everything, everything is under His control. We are trying to give you this information through this blog.

Important Request…..

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