God is one 1

Many religions claim that God is one, which is understood to mean that there is one entity in heaven or hell called God. While considering Gurbani, (Gurbani mins -spoken by teacher) it is known that God lives in this creation, He is present everywhere, He is running His orders, rules and systems everywhere, so it is important to understand what God means.

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3 So the question is, is there One God ?

What is the meaning of one God? If we are believing in one God who is present in this creation and also after death in a heaven (Dargah ,Sachkhand ,Parlok, Baikunth or a separate one in Arsha). If we are believing in another God, then we have to admit that we are not believing in one God but two Gods.

So the question is, is there One God ?


God is one 1         

If seen in today’s time, every religion has its own God. The names of their Gods have been kept according to the religion. Everyone’s attire is different according to religion. The effect of which is that it has become difficult to know that God is one 1?

God’s creation and laws apply to all human beings without any discrimination. If God were not one, then God’s orders and rules would not apply as one and we would see discrimination among people everywhere. When it rains, God’s rules apply to saints, thieves, snakes and cows, believers and atheists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians are equal to intellectuals. If an earthquake or flood occurs under God’s rule, it affects everyone equally. God is one 1, that is why He applies His orders and rules to all places without any discrimination.

God is one 1-if we think in this way that human beings all over the earth are born from the mother’s womb, and all eat with the mouth, taste with the tongue, breathe with the nose, see with the eyes and hear with the ears.

All human beings laugh and cry in the same way, all love their children and parents, and they will all die physically one day. These are just some of the proofs that we have of God being one.

Generally we see that every person does devotion to God, recites, worships and performs rituals so that he gets maximum money, whatever his wish is, it gets fulfilled. Everyone in his family remains happy and there is no sorrow. But according to the laws of nature, happiness and sorrow are important aspects of life.

As long as man’s mind remains in two instead of one, man remains in the thoughts of yours and mine, good and bad, fair and black, theist and atheist, sin again, heaven and hell. Bani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji presents an ideology of God to lift man above this weakness.

If one joins God then our personality will become one then there will be no good or bad for us all will start to look like themselves. Then it will be understood naturally that this birth of ours is the real life in which we can be one with God while we are still alive.

God is one 1…

God is the same but His names are different. If you want to write more on this, then you can convert the whole earth into paper, take the water of all the oceans to make ink, and use all the trees to make pens. Still, it will be written in the name of God. We cannot write the qualities. Still, I have made a small effort and hope that you like this blog. You must also give your thoughts so that I can share my thoughts about God for you in the same manner further and in the blog also we will get information about God so that you and all of us can know about the one God.

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