2 God Is Without Hate

2 God Is Without Hate

2 God Is Without Hate

Let us consider this selfless quality of God that God is not enmity with anyone. Atheist or believer, sinner or saint, thief or saint. They also give daily bread to saints and thieves. God not only gives oxygen to cows but also to snakes.

God does not discriminate against anyone, whether one believes in the existence of God or not, whether one speaks ill of God or does nothing. God is never angry with anyone.

I am tired of searching, but never found bitter words in God’s work, because of God’s nature, he does not know bitter words, nor does he ever speak. Calling him bitter, punishing, or hating someone does not exist.

This means that God does not oppress the creation, nor does He do it to anyone. Nor do they bring pestilences, earthquakes, or floods out of revenge or discrimination, but all this is under divine law. God is generous, generous, generous-hearted, and keeps showering blessings.

2 God Is Without Hate
God is selfless (He is without hate ), so He does not point out our mistakes but ignores them. They do not punish us for our deeds but say that as you sow, so shall you reap. God does not interfere in it, we must understand that God has made the immutable laws of creation.

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3 God is fearless/ God is without fear.

God is fearless

 Why God is fearless… It seems desirable to consider how they are (fearless). Some ideologies believe that Satan has the same power as God – This means that God fears Satan because Satan is equal to God or more powerful than God, who can do things contrary to God. Why God is without fear…  Now … Read more

The creator of the world. /Who is the creator of world?/( Karta Purakh)

The creator of the world

Who is the creator of world ? God has created the creation and His order flows from it unwaveringly and full of newness. God is spread in the whole creation, He is present everywhere and God’s command is the same everywhere.   Where is God ? Whatever happens in this creation is under the orders … Read more

2.The True Name

2.The True Name

There is no doubt that The True Name must be true, but for the common man to understand this question must have arisen in his mind that if God’s name is true then what is that true name? In fact, it is not man’s job to describe anything about God, so only God knows what … Read more

God is one 1

God is one 1

Many religions claim that God is one, which is understood to mean that there is one entity in heaven or hell called God. While considering Gurbani, (Gurbani mins -spoken by teacher) it is known that God lives in this creation, He is present everywhere, He is running His orders, rules and systems everywhere, so it … Read more