3 God is fearless/ God is without fear.

 Why God is fearless…

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4 Scared to death !

It seems desirable to consider how they are (fearless). Some ideologies believe that Satan has the same power as God – This means that God fears Satan because Satan is equal to God or more powerful than God, who can do things contrary to God.

Why God is without fear…

 Now consider that if God is fearless then there is no devil and no one above him. Fear means to follow someone’s instructions, orders, rules. No one’s command can be executed on God, nor is any command applied to God.

If we accept that devilish can avoid or move God’s rules or some so-called power can perform miracles contrary to God’s orders, then we also have to accept that God is under someone’s influence, but God is, are fearless. Because of this, to be able to achieve siddhis, miracles or mental work, material things through someone’s so-called power is priceless and blind faith. God is fearless because he is not answerable to any command or rule or so-called mythical powers.

 God has this quality that he does not scare anyone that I will kill him or punish him in the hells, etc. They are fearless and do not give a damn about anyone. So, the symbol of fearless God is also to be understood in the same way that we should associate with fearless God who is not afraid of anyone. God does not do good deeds for the creation out of fear of anyone, nor does He do evil deeds on earth out of fear of anyone, He is fearless And they want to see the man as fearless.

 If you chant fearless God and connect with him, all fears will disappear.

God is fearless

 Fearless personality…

Until and unless the knowledge of truth, (Satguru) divine qualities are considered and practiced accordingly in life, no human being can enjoy the state of fearlessness. From such an idea, it seems that the idea of ​​fearless divine quality has been enshrined in the basic principles only to make a person with a fearless personality.

Scared to death !

When a person lives a selfish and narrow life due to fear of illness, loss of wealth, search for illusory things and fear of being snatched away from what he has, fear of death, fear of suffering to the family, etc. That’s when he starts believing in witchcraft, ghosts, Jantar Mantra Tantra, Riddhi Siddhi ( Riddhi is said to depict wealth and prosperity, while Siddhi stands for intellect and spiritual powers) and miracles. Due to the reliance of blind faith on all these, the spiritual state of man remains stuck, scared, helpless. By living in a state of being timid, a person is deprived of the fearless God. There is fear in the life of such a person and because of that he leans on a physical person, but he forgets that the person on whom I am leaning is himself afraid of someone else, just like a human being is afraid of death. Persecutes more than.
No human being ever lives when he is satisfied, so what trap did I fall into to be limited to selfishness only for the sake of my own and my family’s happiness? Why do I not see the starving children of others? I will be harmed by the closeness of that person.

God is fearless

We keep thinking that we have less even though we have all the material and comfort. As a result, while being kind to ourselves, our demand for more increases. We seem to expect the help we have done for others and the results we are satisfied with others.
We do not know that because of such behavior we die moment by moment. In fact, we have this fear that if we share with someone, we will become poor and die of hunger. In fact, the fear of death scares us and we are deprived of this fearless quality of God. This is the reason why we continue to scare others.

God is fearless

Now let us consider from this point of view that when a man becomes fearless, his spiritual state reaches a fearless height. Or the moon star does not depend on the future fruit and is not afraid, who does not use bad deeds and bad methods by falling into the greed of maya (illusion” or ”dream )-That person becomes fearless because in his life and work, the true life becomes righteous and righteous.

 Humans cannot live in happiness because they have adopted ways to earn money, grab a seat, hold power or kill others by using some illegal method due to their work or conduct. Such sins fall into the thoughts of the sinner, the sinner is only afraid of his own misdeeds. But a fearless person does not do any of his visible or invisible actions without fear.

 The man who lives according to the true laws and commands of the true God does not fear, but those who follow their own heart die in fear every day. A person who does not feel the presence of God considers God to be far away, and because of knowing far away, a person with such a disposition keeps doing some or the other action, because of which he remains afraid. A fearless person feels God in every place, that’s why no bad karma happens from him.

 A person who is not proud of any of his deeds and humbly admits that there is nothing in my life, everything has been done by everyone, such a person becomes fearless. Many people fall into bad deeds or bad habits like alcohol, drugs and say that it is God who is doing it. Such people cannot enjoy the fearless state because of their bad habits and bad thoughts, they are afraid from inside.

Therefore, the state of fearlessness is made only by that person who does constructive work only because of good conduct qualities and habits, but does not fall into arrogance under his ego that I have done, such a person can achieve the state of fearlessness.

 A fearless man is never proud of his deeds nor does he believe in simple miracles because he has understood that everything happens according to God’s orders and rules. There is no feeling or belief behind the easy completion of a difficult task, that it is due to JapaTapa(adoration) or RiddhiSiddhi (Riddhi is said to depict wealth and prosperity, while Siddhi stands for intellect and spiritual powers), because we see many such tasks being done daily, which are difficult but even thieves or common people can do them easily. They get it done not because of the direct miracles of getting the work done, but because of determination and initiative towards the work under the divine rules, that work is completed. A person with a fearless state never falls into this blind faith.

He is without fear…

Only fearful people have the fear of death, the fear of taking physical birth again and the fear of the so-called Dharmaraj (Emperor of Righteousness ). But for a fearless person, all these fears are pure thoughts, because a fearless person is living in the will of God and as a result enjoys a state of fearlessness.

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