2 God Is Without Hate

2 God Is Without Hate

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1 2 God Is Without Hate
1.4 This means that God does not oppress the creation, nor does He do it to anyone. Nor do they bring pestilences, earthquakes, or floods out of revenge or discrimination, but all this is under divine law. God is generous, generous, generous-hearted, and keeps showering blessings.

Let us consider this selfless quality of God that God is not enmity with anyone. Atheist or believer, sinner or saint, thief or saint. They also give daily bread to saints and thieves. God not only gives oxygen to cows but also to snakes.

God does not discriminate against anyone, whether one believes in the existence of God or not, whether one speaks ill of God or does nothing. God is never angry with anyone.

I am tired of searching, but never found bitter words in God’s work, because of God’s nature, he does not know bitter words, nor does he ever speak. Calling him bitter, punishing, or hating someone does not exist.

This means that God does not oppress the creation, nor does He do it to anyone. Nor do they bring pestilences, earthquakes, or floods out of revenge or discrimination, but all this is under divine law. God is generous, generous, generous-hearted, and keeps showering blessings.

2 God Is Without Hate
God is selfless (He is without hate ), so He does not point out our mistakes but ignores them. They do not punish us for our deeds but say that as you sow, so shall you reap. God does not interfere in it, we must understand that God has made the immutable laws of creation.
Just like a man wants to get nectar by sowing poison or a man wants to get a mango by planting a kicker then nothing can go wrong because there is always justice in the laws of nature.
It also means that we ourselves are the cause of our happiness and sorrow, God is independent in this, according to the way we act or think, we continue to experience happiness and suffering.
(He is without hate) God
Let us now share ideas on how to incorporate this selfless quality of God into our personal lives.
God is selfless but we hate everyone. God does not blame us for our mistakes, but we earn enmity all our life because of someone’s mistake. That is why we stay away from everyone.
When we cut ourselves off from others out of hatred and jealousy, we become closed in the walls of narrow-mindedness. Our soul’s flight stops. We become spiritually weak, hostile, and vengeful.
We should have applied the selfless attribute of God, on the contrary, we deny the selfless attribute of God Himself, because by accepting Him we are to live a selfless life. We keep telling everyone that God punishes us because we don’t believe.
We ourselves also say through devotion and prayers that if God punishes a person, I will feel cold in my heart. But God does not lose his selfless nature by hearing such so-called retaliatory prayers but does not hear such prayers at all.
Now, if
He is without hate; He hates none. These powerful words reflect the divine nature of God, where love knows no boundaries. If we embrace this divine quality of selflessness in our own lives, we shall transcend the barriers of strangerhood and difference. Regardless of one’s wealth or poverty, righteousness or sin, nationality or race, religion or caste, we shall see all as our own. With selfless love as our guide, discrimination shall cease to exist.
we adopt this divine quality of selflessness in our life, then neither we will see any stranger nor any Barry. Then whether one is rich or poor, sinner or righteous, native or alien, white or black, of our own religion or of another religion, of low caste and whether of high caste, alien or our own, we All are our own. We will love everyone selflessly, there will be no discrimination against anyone.

He is without hate

If God does not like anyone’s faults and is equal with all, then if we keep this quality of God in our lives, we also do not take revenge for enmity due to someone’s fault, nor condemn him. . . Yes, but we don’t condemn a person behind their back either.
Because of this, we learn to forgive and ignore others. As a result, divine selflessness practically starts giving us spiritual happiness in our life
When we do good deeds despite the evil deeds of man, we remain physically and mentally at peace and are saved from burning in the fire of ego. Biography has to be tested with humility and sweetness. So we move towards full humanity.
We can enjoy divine unity in our daily life by living the precious quality of selflessness in our domestic relationships, work activities, and this world. The power is in our hands. Should we give more weight to the virtue of hostility than to the valuable virtue of altruism?
When we begin to live the precious quality of selflessness, whoever we share a moment of love with, we increase the value of that momentary love throughout our lives so much that we spoil it even in our thoughts. Or will not condemn. It is a sign of purity of selfless heart, for religion is not for show but shines forth.

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